I love it when I have a lot to say about my inspiration for a new painting. I grew up in a large creative family of 6 girls and one boy. Two of my older sisters left home as soon as they turned 18 to become “actresses”. My parents weren’t too happy. I can remember going to many of their plays from Macbeth to West Side Story. Mostly community theater but to an 8 year old it seemed like Broadway. Another sister, my oldest, who didn’t take off to find the foot lights, actually looked just like Barbara Streisand. Naturally we were huge Streisand fans. I have a great memory of going to see Funny Girl with her in the most beautiful movie theater in New York, red velvet curtains and chandeliers galore. I was an instant fan at 10 years old.
As for my two sisters, well they never pursued professional acting careers. However, I am very excited to say that this weekend I am going to see my niece perform her one-woman show, “A Visit from Victoria ” produced by the Tenement Museum in New York City .
This is the link to find out more info. http://thewildproject.com/ performances/2011-between-the-seas.shtml